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Rapid Pulse Laser


Product introduction In particle image velocimetry (PIV), the laser illumination is an important part of the whole system. The traditional PIV illumination method uses lamp pumped pulse laser (~10Hz), DPSS pumped pulse laser (~kHz) or CW la...

Detailed introduction
Product introduction
In particle image velocimetry (PIV), the laser illumination is an important part of the whole system. The traditional PIV illumination method uses lamp pumped pulse laser (~10Hz), DPSS pumped pulse laser (~kHz) or CW laser. The first two cost from about 30k USD to 600k USD, while the latter cannot provide bright enough illumination, nor achieve a short inter-frame time to measure high-speed flow fields. The RapidPulse laser family perfectly solves the existing problems of cost and application. It enables high brightness, high repetition rate, pulse illumination in a very compact body, while maintaining an affordable cost.
 The best cost-effective illumination solution for HSFB based PIV
 Meet the PIV measurement requirements of most low-speed water flow and spray applications
 Maximum repetition rate up to 100kHz
 Supports double-frame function for low-frequency PIV cameras
 Maximum peak power 20W or 40W, higher power upon request
Wavelength selection
In terms of wavelength, the 450nm of the RapidPulse series laser can perfectly match the quantum efficiency curve of the new generation of Back Side Illumination (BSI) CMOS cameras.The fluorescence wavelength (peak 530nm) emitted by our FPP450/530 fluorescent particles can also match the 
highest quantum efficiency wavelength of all CCD and CMOS cameras.
The absorptionrate for 800nm laser, which is widely used to cooperate with high speed cameras, is 20 times higher than for 450nm laser.
Light sheet optics
Each RapidPulse laser is equipped with an adjustable lens set. Users can customize different divergence angle. Focal length can be adjusted in the range of 0.2m - 4m.
Synchronization performance
In PIV, the synchronization of laser and camera is crucial. Although traditional CW lasers can provide a stable light source, most of the laser energy is not effectively utilized due to the camera exposes in low duty cycle, short exposure time and low frame rate. Thus, the CW laser increases the thermal load on the environment and


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